Our Services
Lawn Care
A healthy lawn requires a proper year-round care and maintenance regimen. This can include fertilization of plants and your lawn and regular insect check and termination. Call the experts at Lawn Solutions in Memphis for top-notch lawn care for all seasons.
Balanced fertilizer where needed with broad leaf weed control and crabgrass pre-emergent.
Balanced fertilizer where needed with broad leaf weed control and crabgrass pre-emergent.
Balanced granular fertilizer and post-emergent weed control.
Balanced granular fertilizer and post-emergent weed control.
Balanced granular fertilizer and post-emergent weed control.
Balanced fertilizer where needed with pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control.
Post-emergent weed control and granular lime application.
• Flea and Tick Control
• Fire Ant Control
• Fungus and Disease Control
• Grub Worm Control
Tree and Shrub Care
Maintaining healthy and attractive trees and shrubs is a lot of work, but that’s why we’re here. We have experts that can check for insects to ensure long-living healthy plants and yard. Check below to see what we can do for every season of the year.
Dormant Oil application to control over winterizing insects such as scale.
Tree and shrub fertilization.
Survey landscape to detect disease and insects for treatment when necessary.
Post-emergent weed control.
Survey landscape to detect disease and insects for treatment when necessary.
Tree and shrub fertilization.
• Additional Tree and Shrub Program
• Bed pre-emergent for mulched areas
• Bermuda grass control in flower beds